How to Find a Meeting

Things to know before searching for a meeting.

Recovery International meetings are held all over the country by Chat, Phone, Zoom, and Community (in-person). The meeting calendar lists chat, phone and Zoom meetings in Eastern time. You will have to adjust these times to the time zone you reside in.

(See US map of time zones below.)

Search by Meeting Day

Meeting Notice

There are a number of RI meetings that leaders in the Los Angeles area host.

Due to the current fires, some of those meetings may be cancelled. If that is the case, we welcome you to find another meeting.

Search for In Person Meetings by State

Special Searches

These meetings are live, facilitated, interactive meetings designed for members of specific communities or with a facilitator who has special experience. Examples given in these meetings may extend beyond the usual RI topics but are still trivialities to these communities.

Online Meeting Support and FAQs

If you need instructions on how to register for a Zoom meeting or have trouble getting into a Zoom meeting, access support here or contact us at
Recovery International US time zones

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