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Power Tool Cards - redesigned!
Each set contains 50 unique tool cards and comes in a handy box for easy storage. Purchase both sets to get 100 tools! Tools come from the Recovery Method developed by Abraham Low, M.D. (Click on the images to the right for a larger view of the cards.)
$24.95 (box set)
Call (312) 337-5661 to order
Mental Health Through Will-Training (4th edition)
The Recovery Method was developed by Dr. Abraham Low to prevent relapses and alleviate chronic conditions in people suffering from mental illness or emotional problems. This self-help technique provides cognitive behavioral tools that have helped millions of people manage their symptoms for more than 85 years. Hundreds of peer leaders operate support groups throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada and Ireland.
Sale $10.00 (paperback) was $26.95
Call (312) 337-5661 to order
Salud Mental
El Método de Recovery fue desarrollado por el Dr. Abraham Low para prevenir recaídas y aliviar condiciones crónicas en personas que padecen enfermedades mentales o problemas emocionales. Esta técnica de autoayuda proporciona herramientas cognitivo-conductuales que han ayudado a millones de personas a controlar sus síntomas durante más de 85 años. Cientos de líderes pares operan grupos de apoyo en todo Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico, Canadá e Irlanda.
$20.00 (de tapa dura)
llame al 619-383-2056 para ordenar
Manage Your Fears Manage Your Anger: A Psychiatrist Speaks
Thousands of people have found help for mental health issues through Recovery International, founded by Dr. Abraham Low in 1937. He developed a cognitive-behavioral, peer-led method to manage fear and anger through training at group meetings. Recovery International conducts hundreds of weekly meetings across North America and abroad. This book comprises seventy lectures by Dr. Low recorded during the last few years of his life, and represent the application of his method and examples of the people whose lives he has touched.
$26.95 (paperback)
Audiobook and eBook also available. Prices vary depending on your Amazon Prime or Kindle membership.
Better. Mental. Health. for Everyone
This workbook is for those seeking ways to deal with everyday incidents that can trigger anxiety, depression and anger. By retraining your brain using these time-tested cognitive-behavioral techniques, you can manage your reactions and lead a more peaceful and productive life. The Recovery Method is based on cognitive behavioral techniques developed by neuropsychiatrist Dr. Abraham Low during the course of more than 25 years working with his patients. This method can be used as a self-help tool, as part of a peer-led program, and as an adjunct to professional treatment.
$10.95 (paperback)
Power Your Mind: Tools to Build Resilience
This workbook teaches life skills to young adults to alleviate anxiety; control anger; foster peaceful relationships at home, school, and work; and establish realistic expectations and beliefs. This program helps young people learn to gain control of themselves, rather than being controlled by the people and events around them. Designed for teens and young adults, graphic novel pages and real-life situations teach tools for coping with everyday events that may trigger symptoms of stress, anger, anxiety and depression. It can be used by individuals as a self-help workbook, or as part of a group workshop. Power Your Mind is a simplified introduction to the Recovery Method, an evidence-based cognitive-behavioral program developed by psychiatrist Dr. Abraham Low to help individuals manage their symptoms.
$12.95 (paperback)
Spot Your Progress: An Accountability Journal
This accountability journal is designed to help you reach your goals. It has 52 weeks, each week with two pages, to allow you to record your daily progress. It also has a place to endorse yourself for each step you take toward reaching your goal. Quotations from the teachings of Dr. Abraham Low, the founder of the non-profit organization Recovery International, are included each week to help you spot your progress and stay on track in fulfilling your intentions.
$10.00 (paperback)
My Dear Ones: The Love Story of a Great Physician for His Patients
This biography traces Dr. Low's life from its humble European beginnings to his death in America as a venerated healer to thousands. The turbulent period when his Method was under attack from within the profession is vividly recreated here, as are his triumphs and moments of personal joy and fulfillment. It is also a love story, revealing the strong bond of compassion between this devoted psychiatrist and his patient, a bond of souls for whom often there seemed no hope.
Sale! $15.00 (hardcover) was $25.00
Call (312) 337-5661 to order
Peace vs. Power in the Family
Peace Versus Power in the Family offers a systematic philosophy of family harmony which can be used successfully by any family. This book focuses on the belief that the family environment remains a powerful factor in the healthy functioning of the mind. The reader will find a comprehensive system for understanding and controlling the forces at work in the domestic environment. Grasping the essences of this book can be a vital first step in achieving the domestic harmony so often sought and seldom reached.
$15.00 (used paperback copies only)
Call (312) 337-5661 to order
The Wisdom of Dr. Low: Words to Live By
An important reference book for people practicing the RI - Discovery Method for better mental health, this book organizes some of Dr. Low's concepts by topics such as: Anger, Balance, Depression, Goals, Humor, Panic, Symptoms and others. It quotes from Dr. Low's four principle books: Mental Health Through Will-Training, Manage Your Fears, Manage Your Anger, Peace vs. Power in the Family and Selections from Dr. Low's Works. Dr. Low used his wisdom to develop a way to help people master their fears and anger by cultivating self-esteem and resiliency.
$19.95 (paperback)
La Sabiduria Del Dr. Low: Palabras para vivir
"La sabiduría": esta compilación de las inspiradoras palabras de Abraham Low es una referencia fácil para ayudar con un problema actual o puede usarse para afirmaciones diarias. Es un libro imprescindible para el participante más experimentado de Recovery International y es ideal para personas que solo buscan afirmaciones diarias o palabras de aliento sobre un problema específico.
$19.95 (libro de bolsillo)
Call (312) 337-5661 to order
Better. Mental. Health. Nature Journal
Discover how nature and cognitive behavioral therapy intersect to improve your mental health! Use this journal to jot down ideas, feelings and thoughts; color and sketch; and be inspired by pictures from nature and thoughtful tools for mental wellness. A joint project of The Conservation Foundation in Illinois, and Recovery International.
$12.95 (paperback)
Mental Illness, Stigma and Self-Help
This book is a compilation of articles written by Dr. Abraham Low that provides an historical look into the founding of the non-profit mental health organization, Recovery International.
$15.00 (used paperback copies only)
Call (312) 337-5661 to order
Selections from Dr. Low's Works
The articles and comments in this book were written by Dr. Low for the Recovery News which was published every two months by Recovery, Inc. during the years 1950-1953. Recovery, Inc., now known as Recovery International, came into existence as a result of many years of research and study. From 1931 to 1940 Dr. Low was the Associate Director and in 1940-1941 the Acting Director of the Psychiatric Institute of the University of Illinois. During these same years he was assistant alienist for the State of Illinois and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois Medical School. In these various capacities, he saw and treated thousands of nervous and mental patients. As a result of his experience, he founded Recovery in 1937 for the purpose of preventing relapses in former mental patients and chronicity in nervous patients.
$15.95 (paperback)
Selecciones de los Trabajos del Dr. Low
Los artículos y comentarios de este libro fueron escritos por el Dr. Low para Recovery News, que Recovery, Inc. publicó cada dos meses durante los años 1950-1953. Recovery, Inc., ahora conocida como Recovery International, nació como resultado de muchos años de investigación y estudio. De 1931 a 1940, el Dr. Low fue director asociado y, de 1940 a 1941, director interino del Instituto Psiquiátrico de la Universidad de Illinois. Durante estos mismos años fue alienista asistente para el Estado de Illinois y Profesor Asociado de Psiquiatría en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Illinois. En estas diversas capacidades, atendió y trató a miles de pacientes nerviosos y mentales. Fruto de su experiencia fundó Recovery en 1937 con el objetivo de prevenir las recaídas en ex enfermos mentales y la cronicidad en pacientes nerviosos.
$15.95 (libro de bolsillo)
Call (312) 337-5661 to order