Recovery International Shows Proven Path to Healthy Mind (Newsweek)

December, 2024 Self-help tools guide people to living a peaceful and productive life. Founded by Chicago neuropsychiatrist Dr. Abraham Low in 1937, Recovery International offers cognitive behavioral training and is one of the best-kept secrets to achieving mental health. Read full article and the interview with Celinda Jungheim, RI President  

A Mental Health Break (podcast)

February 18, 2023 Angela Sullivan, Director of Special Projects for Recovery International, speaks with Vincent A. Lanci about RI’s teen/young adult program, Power Your Mind: Tools to Build Resilience. Listen HERE

72 Hours: Inside San Diego County’s Mental Health Crisis

April 16, 2023 For three days last year, reporters followed patients, police, clinicians, dispatchers and those struggling for help to create a minute-by-minute account of an overwhelmed system. Recovery International’s Lisa Garcia is featured in the Wednesday segment of the San Diego Union Tribune article, “72 Hours: Inside San Diego County’s Mental Health Crisis.” Watch […]

Recovery International: Taming her Anxiety

July 28, 2021 The first time Judi Bakke went to a Recovery International San Diego meeting, she had no idea what was going on. She also knew that it didn’t matter. After spending years struggling with anxiety and panic attacks, Bakke finally felt at home. What she didn’t know was how much joy she would get from […]

Better. Mental. Health. Nature Journal

July 28, 2021 A new joint project of The Conservation Foundation and Recovery International combines cognitive-behavioral mental health tools with images of nature from northern Illinois parks. Find relief during these stressful times with a walk in the woods, thoughtful and calming tools, and journaling or doodling! Released in time for May, Mental Health Awareness […]

New Anti-Stress Program Serves Youth

November 20, 2020 Power Your Mind: Tools to Build Resilience, a new workbook that uses graphic novel panels to illustrate stressful situations and healthy ways of coping, has been released by Recovery International (RI) to help children, teens, and emerging adults deal with feelings of anxiety, anger, or depression. “Being a teenager can be tough,” […]

Harmony Quotes

September 2, 2020 Harmony Women’s Recovery Program, San Diego (December, 2016) Harmony serves single and parenting women who have substance use disorders. I’m grateful to Recovery International for: It has helped me with my anger by not wanting to explode. Spotting helps me calm down. I like how RI’s main focus is on mental health! […]

Recovery International Celebrates 80th Year

Recovery International—the “granddaddy” of non-profit mental health self-help groups—is celebrating its 80th anniversary with a year-long series of local, regional and national activities. Often imitated, we are the original. Initially founded as The Association of Former Mental Patients and Their Relatives in 1937, it soon changed its name to Recovery, Inc., to avoid the stigma of mental illness pervasive in […]

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